👋 Hi, my name is Frans Peter Larsen

🕹️ I work with Videogames & Web

💡 Got many skills across the board

⌨️ My primary field is Programming




As part of the Aalborg University, Medialogy “Purposive Game Production” (PGP) on 5th Semester, I worked on a virtual reality multiplayer puzzle game. The game allowed three people to work together to solve tasks in an ancient cave in virtual reality by cooperating with each other.

On this project I worked as a Senior Programmer, where I helped with project structure and implementing features for level designers. The game used a rail system which I made together with building tools for designers. I also created some dynamic physics-based vines for level designers to use. I did a lot of optimisation later in the project together with lighting.

I learned a lot about making multiplayer games, virtual reality development and how to structure big projects with medium-sized team. And I would consider it to be one of the most valuable projects I had during my bachelor as I got to work with an excellent team and on a project we all had a lot of passion for.

The game used Oculus Development Kit 2 and DarkRift as multiplayer framework. We also got to implement and work with Wwise and Binarual Sound developed by 3DCeption.

Other students who participated in the project: Emil Holmen, Kasper Lichtenberg, Nicklas Bundgaard, Itai Yavin, Alex Rymark Vorm, Jacob Hagerup Godt, Andreas Ryge, Hans Emil Hoppe Rauer, Maja Daniela Hansen, Hans Hansen, Casper Mikkel Nymose, Sam Kormind, Mikkel Skovsmose Tewes, Vicky Poulsen, Jacob Vilandt, Hans Jonathan Hummelgaard, Simon Ingemann, Jonas Hingeberg Ruge, Nicolai Foldager
